Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas & Boxing Day

IMG_0285.jpg, originally uploaded by lt_zanders.

Well Christmas has concluded and another holiday is upon us. Boxing Day. Oh Canada! Ahh yes my non-official nationality and homeland, how I love thee. But yes Christmas! It was good. Got to see some family, got some very very very nice things. Two of which are right here. I mean come on what's more awesome than a cig smoking a cig, it's like canabalism. You know what is? The Nintendo DS Lite, which I haven't actually taken possession of yet but will soon. My mom got me it and I got Mario Kart DS for it already. My friend Kaly says it's like the definitive Mario Kart which is awesome, can't wait to get some multiplayer action going. Oh and got plans for New Years Eve. Audrey called me up and was like The Flaming Lips and Gnarls Barkley are playing on New Years Eve in L.A. I'm like cool and she's like do you want to go see them. I'm like and then she interrupted me to say I already bought tickets, haha. That should be awesome. Yoshima battle on. On a side note it seems that a random stack of cards will beat any group of people at the game Apple's to Apple's according to two tests that have been conducted. More testing will ensue and the finding will be published. Indeed. Well I hope everyone had a good Christmas and has an equally good Boxing Day. Take cares alls.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

"You Sly Dog"

DSC00430, originally uploaded by lt_zanders.

Fry's has interesting product placement practices. I never new Charlie Brown's Christmas was considered pornography. "You sly dog."