Monday, January 12, 2009

Holiday's and 09'

I ended up spending the holidays in Chicago to visit Audrey before she headed off to Nante. It was quite nice and very restful. Had deep dish pizza of course, I can never get enough of that stuff. Saw two rather good movies, Slumdog Millionaire and Gran Torino. Both very good with the former being a bit more uplifting and the later dealing more with race and mortality. I feel like the films that Clint Eastwood directs are typically about death and mortality, also preparation or trying to understand death. He continues to surprise and amaze me and has since Mystic River. I need to really see the few that I've missed that he directed. Sadly though considering his age I feel almost like it makes sense for him to really deal with death since likely his time is coming to a close, however I doubt that he will stop generating new work til he does die. A note on my own mortality at a later date. Saw some amazing work at the MCA specifically Jenny Holzer. The work with her LED ticker tape like installations were the ones that seemed to be directed straight at my sensibilities. Multiple streams of information, text, ticker, strobing, perception of information/vision. I was totally loving it trying to take in this bright strobing information stream that was massive in scale. Also, very nice to see Audrey's family and eat lots of food with them as well, recurrent theme. Also, of course had my dose of White Castle, cause it's what I crave.

Flew back on New Year's Eve to LA. Oddly both flights going and leaving were completely on time, quite a feat especially with my airline luck. Got back to LA and ended up spending the eve with Matt and his family. It was nice and relaxed. Lots of jokes, music and new inventions like PowerFade. One thing though that I had not expected but was rather how do I put it, I guess honored? I was told by Matt's dad that he was very happy that I was Matt's friend and that I've been there for him. He also told me that don't worry about anythings that maybe bothering me in a very non-specific way that felt all too specific internally. But, it put me at ease for whatever reason. I needed it and needed to have that told to me that things would work out alright in the end.

The last few days of vacation just left me running errands and sorting out stuff that needed to be dealt with upon leaving. Got to go have some ramen with some of my x-country buddies from high school which was nice. Hadn't seen them in like a year. Need to see the rest of em. Also, picked me up some new shoes. Two words, adonized blue.

Last evening of vacation I came down with a cold of course and it has been plaguing me since. I miss vacation already because of course I'd much rather get paid and not work and be able to do what I want to do for all 24 hours of the day. Oh well. My business cards came in so I guess I'm all official like that.

To end off for the night as promised in the last post some pictures of the apartment in it's current state. Next time maybe some talk about my new past time, terrorizing the greater Liberty City area in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Friday, January 02, 2009

The Good, the Bad, the New, and 2009

So, it has been a really really long time since I posted last. Probably the longest stretch I think I've gone. A lot has happened in these past months since July. There's more to talk about than can really be talked about but a short run down, hey?

I graduated grad school and it ended with a flurry of the best kind. My thesis got written about in The Register along with the site getting a ton of traffic to it right before presenting my thesis. It came at just the right time and wrapped everything up very nicely. I have yet to return to working on it and processing and reading through and archiving all the posts in the blogosphere but in time hopefully I can. There's just so much information to trawl through it will take time. Plus I still have a few videos to finish. The web site though got included in the group show OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding with some pretty lofty names and really is an honor to be included.

Post grad school left me scrambling looking for work. With money dwindling to the point of forgoing the purchase of things like the monthly unlimited Metro card and instead either walking 2 miles at times to go do things or just buying single rides when I had to get somewhere I couldn't walk to. Also, it meant a lot of staying home. Stress was high and it was not the best time for sure. At the end of August when my money was about to run out I got an offer to be the Digital Systems Specialist at CalArts. I took the position and had to pack up everything in 10 days to move back to LA. Audrey would also pack up but leave a few days after me and head to Chicago for a month.

Within hours after landing in LA things went pear shape and was left bouncing from couch to couch or spare bed with the help of some of my good friends. Thanks.

First things first was getting a car and apartment. I was able to get myself a little black hatchback stick shift Toyota Yaris. Nothing like my old departed friend the AW11 SC but a small fuel efficient and smart car for now. I have had a little fun with it not too much yet though. However, last night to my amazement I beat an Acura RSX off the line. I guess I had the better reaction time or better shifting skills. I don't have a proper picture of the Yaris yet but will hopefully take some soon. Over a month in I finally found an apartment after going to crappy apartment after crappy apartment. It was depressing for sure but the apartment I found I'd like to think is quite nice. Situated in the Hollywood/Los Feliz/Silverlake area it has quite a few nice things, especially a 24hour Vons just a block away. Nice to be able to walk to the market. More proper and updated pictures to come.

Work at CalArts required a fast transition as I was coming in literally the week before the kids came back. However, I quickly fell into the rhythm of things and began implementing new things and trying to standardize things. Teaching has been the best part especially the one independent study I had. I've begun to play with some new things since starting, such as Linux and have been having a steady stream of potential thoughts for new projects.

Speaking of projects, during this transition I was also involved in a number of group shows with new or old work. Death, Destruction, and the Weather Coming Up Next was in the Printed Matter NY Art Book Fair. I took part in the ExchageRate: 2008 performance exchange. Audrey came to LA to work with Elana Mann on the project and spend some time with me of course. Audrey and Elana aka Chan and Mann MC'd the event on probably the most historic election day since Kennedy, definitely for my generation. I performed a political speech written by Jason Kunke and he performed a script of mine created from the sound bytes from Grand Theft: Auto San Andreas. He did an awesome job and hopefully I'll sift through the images soon and post some. Lastly I had my quote unquote first Solo Show along with some 100 other artists all at the same time and at the same place, Sea & Space, in Echo Park. My piece Dialogues in Command & Conquer Generals: Unit 30 was installed side by side with Audrey's, Mrs. X. Which is on loan from her while she's away in Chicago/Miami/France.

One of the most eventful and crazed fall's in recent history for me. It has been intense to say the least. To think that this is when I'm typically not that productive (still don't feel that productive but how can I really rationalize that after writing all this?)(yeah didn't think so). Anyways, it has been good and bad being back in LA and I definitely miss NYC just as I missed LA when I was there. I need to visit soon I hope. Maybe to actually see the show I'm in at Parson's. I hope I get to see it.

I am slowly beginning to learn a bit of Max MSP, ewwww I got MSP on my hands. Naw, seriously it maybe the tool needed for this very specific project I want to do that deals with our wonderful economic financialpoclypse. Makes being in eduction kind of the safe/smart position, who would have thought? I am getting sleepy so I'm going to end this post. I look forward to the New Year and hopefully it will bring some much needed stability and sanity but more importantly personal growth. I'm going to try and take care of myself a bit better, I realize I need to. More updates hopefully soon. Take care all.