Thursday, May 03, 2007

I Will Make More Bolts of Linen

I'm finally done with this semester, it was a particularly grueling one. One of the fruits of my labor, "I Will Make More Bolts of Linen" is a live action/machinima short made for my Massively Multi-User class. It references John Baldessari's piece "I Will Not Make Anymore Boring Art" from 1971. Taking a look at and pointing at some of the banal aspects of playing WoW and the blind consumptive nature of MMORPG and WoW game play. People in class seemed to like it and actually wanted it to be longer. I may make a recut of it or remake parts of it to make it longer, they wanted a second page turn.

The semester is done and now I'm prepping to move back home. Just secured storage for some of my stuff. Going through the process of sorting and cleaning. Currently doing backups that's why I'm up so bloody late. I will speak more about the final projects and end of the semester later, when I have a large amount of time to write also when I can think clearer, I can tell you though it went well. A lil peeved that I didn't get into the department show, however I'm not sure my piece matched the theme of this semester's show, ITP as a Funhouse. My piece dealt with national security, the manufacturing of information and facts, and all around deception, haha. Indicative of the political climate at ITP? Indeed.