Saturday, October 07, 2006
Alls Well That Ends Well...
Well that group project I was working on is now over. In the end it came out quite well, overwhelmingly good feedback as well as personal feedback from our teacher. Of course it was a lot of work and pushed me at times but it is over and it is well. However the beginning of a new group project is looming. Come this Tuesday I start another one with different group members. The Politiks have already started though and there is a North and South and we stand divided. Hopefully that can change, but I know it's gonna be ugly. I have begun to move myself to the center and have initiated damage/spin control, oi! We're bloody adults aren't we? That aside went to MOMA yesterday night and saw a cool piece I'd never seen before, The Simpson Verdict. I forget who was the artist I'll have to look it up. I originally was going to go see "AKA Nikki S. Lee" but it was sold out. Saw "The Siege" Last night when I came home. I'd never seen it before and kind of wanted to see it when it came out but never got to. So, I finally got around to it and it's really odd seeing it post 9/11 and current Iraq War along with the current climate in politics, foreign policy and this nation. Went out to Queens today on a class field trip. The NY Hall of Science was were we went. Man that was a long train ride but I thought it was going to take longer but got there earlyish. So, I wandered around Flushing Meadow Park and the World's Fair Fairgrounds. The trip was really cool, our teacher Danny Razin, really bloody good. Couldn't take the same train back (7) though cause apparently a building collapsed don't know what was the cause though. Anyways, that's what I'm up to, playing the spin doctor and wandering about.
World's Fairgrounds in Queens. It's out in the middle of Nowhere. MIB I, the decent one.
This was from near school and apparently it confirms it. N.J. is NYC's dump. "Oh yeah and I wanna give a shout out to all my peeps in New Jersey, cause your like that."
Here's some randomness from earlier in the month. Either this is a really bright dunce cap or someone is straight up being disrespectful. You'd never see that out West. Pitiful.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monopolization and Gel Ignite
Well, I'm bloody tired. I'm still working on that group project. It's a life sucker and time waster. Meetings go on forever and it's tiring. The first few days not much got done and tons of hours were spent. The past two days have been much better and things are coming together which is good/exciting. I have another group project ramping up soon, midterms as well, argh. My programming class is barely starting to move slower that molasses, still a bit bored. Other stuffs, hmm besides school, hmm. Well how about news like Mr. Mark Foley, congressman of Florida. Yeah he's properly f*cked, oh yeah, the irony of it all. Oh I know my bloody phone, being a pain, I think it's going to need to get replaced argh. Been listening to some more Irish music, good ole I.R.A.. Well with that I shall now go to bed but 'fore I go here be a rather lovely quotation from an equally lovely song done by Spirit of Freedom. "Farewell to your bricks and mortar. Farewell to your dirty lies. Farewell to your gang ways and your gang planks. And to hell with your overtime." -"Botany Bay"
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