June 9th, was the 34th Student Academy Awards Ceremony. I went despite the fact that I was not going to receive an award due to the fact that they decided to only award one award in my category that being Alternative, yet i went anyways. I had this super annoying guy sitting next to me and my friend Danny, so overly interested in making connections to the point of disgust. Sid Ganis, or as Danny calls him a Wolf Blitzer look alike, did his little opening speech and introduced the first presenter, Zooey Deschanel. By the end of her time presenting I wanted to put a muzzle on her. She thought she was funny, aka she wasn't funny by a long shot, she sounded like she was drugged up on vicadin or something, and she kept putting out personal commentary on the films. Basically she's an idiot. The second presenter was John Landis, he was awesome, funny, and also made jokes at the Academy's expense. All in all half of the work that won was really good and half was utterly laughable and a complete disgrace to their respective mediums. The winner from my category looked like a Coke commercial or some MTV bubblegum bull shit. The animation category, had some of the worst quality cgi I have ever seen, along with being of some of the most tired and hackneyed tropes in animation. Also, all of them had "morals" of feel goodery. Not to mention one was desecrating Art History, that one was from NYU's undergrad program, if I see them I'll make sure to slap them upside the head for anyone who's seen it and wanted to rip their eyes out. The films that were good were the live action shorts and the live action documentaries. All of them very well concieved for the most part and very well done. Apparently quality control is not a big thing these days for the Academy, well they have reduced the amount of judges fromt he actual academy to three members, so I guess that makes sense along with the overwhelming amount victories for schools on the East Coast (only one West Coast winner, Stanford in documentary, a category they typically win). Anyways, that was wrap up of the Student Academy Awards for 2007.
Oh ya and I apologize for the massive delay in this post. I was just so disgusted with it all I could not write in any way to express my anger until it cooled off for a few months.