Well the time has come. The time to say farewell to home and head back to New York to go apartment hunting in anticipation of the new and last school year. Me and Audrey are driving X-Country to New York, I'll finally get to see all that stuff in the middle that I am generally oblivious to when I'm flying over it.
I'm so dead tired and I mean dead tired, I've been up for 27 hours now and only had two-three hours the night before. I wanted to post one entry before I try and sleep for a little bit before we are eastward bound. I had to pack up my entire room, I'm not taking it with me but it's all in anticipation of the eventual sale of our house. I'm going to miss the house I grew up in not to mention the room that I've spent about 18 years building. Every little detail had to be deconstructed and boxed. Tagged and bagged. I'm going to miss my neighborhood.
I finally got a new phone to replace the RAZR that's been driving me nuts for the past 9+ months, oi! Moto RIZR this time, good decent features and much better feel to it. Here's a pic.

I had a lot of work to do while I was here on vacation and in many ways it was exhausting. I'm so glad I was here though. Good times where had and good food eaten. Not to mention good company. Thanks all for making it so. Special thanks to those who helped me pack, I woudn't have been able to get it all done if it weren't for you all. Thanks. See you guys hopefully soon, back to the Big Manzana.