This is our building. The neighborhood is really nice and quiet. Mostly Polish neighborhood. Five bucks will get you a plate of perogies, bloody awesome.
Here's one part of the Kitchen.
All the appliances are new by the way.
This is aft of the kitchen area.
Part of the hallway obscured by the bathroom door. I swear the bathroom reminds me of closet door, it's like stealth bathroom. Small, but nice.
The air shaft from the smaller of the bedrooms.
Same bedroom.
Here's the connection from one bedroom to the other.
The larger bedroom that looks onto the street.
Got a ceiling fan on the far end of that room.
And of course the decorative fireplace.
To think this was the first and last apartment we looked at. However, of course we had to hit up the IKEA to get some furniture and such for this new place. So, here's the kitchen table.

This pic though was a random site in the IKEA. Someone other than myself apparently has a sense of humor. Hiel!

The kitchen populated and some dinner being cooked up.

Still don't have a couch or anything like that. I've got my desk situated now and I know have access to the interweb as you can tell. It's starting to become more comfortable. However, still unpacking not done yet. But chipping away at it little by little. Anyways, I figure I'd let you all see where I be now. Laters for now.