This weekend at my work, that being
Tekserve has been a nightmare. It has been like the Alamo. Short staffed, like 2 to 1 people to cover a section, and toss in a dash of incompetant irregulars, no reinforcements for most of the day. It was like being in the French Foreign Legion. Saturday I was covering two sections when we opened, which is ridiculous when you got 2-3 people a section. Eventually they shifted one person to the iPod section and then another one to the main counter. So, it was just mean and one other person for almost all of saturday, until this one useless worker came stumbling in I'm assuming hours late, hung over and looking like hell. Obviously this doesen't help him since he's already incompetant. Sunday was more of the same, with two people in the main section, the line was over 30 minutes for most of the day, 4.5 hours straight of that barely making a dent, the service area was hit harder with an 85+ minute wait. So, I ask myself what is wrong with this picture? Either it's a huge mistake on part of scheduling, every able body is on vacation or called out sick or plain didn't show up, or c. which is the unknown. All I know though is I'm kind of fed up of having to deal with pulling the weight of what should be a contingent of workers.
Speaking of work though, we got the iPod "Fattie" in today. You know it looks better in person, and it feels nice, but it's thin as heck just super stout. The screen is pretty nice a bright. But, damn Apple for making me want the iPod Touch. Curses upon them! Seriously I want one almost despite the lack of space, I'd have to to get the 16GB one though.
Oh Friday went to see 3:10 to Yuma, some friends couldn't handle it but me and Audrey loved it. It was really good, I highly recommend it. Charlie Prince, he was awesome, and awesome civil war-esque coat. Go see it, you won't be disappointed, oh and I don't like westerns so don't pull that on me.
Speaking of movies though here's a few more posters with some liberties taken.


And of course our friend Chris Cooper trying to prove his point, just not very well.
Been reading some Jameson, it's not bad. "The Cultural Turn: Postmodernism and Consumer Society." He talks about the Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown L.A. in one part, I'm all like I know where that's at. Not completely through it but it has been interesting thus far. Anyways I gotta head off and get some sleep, got class tomorrow. Oh by the way the
Iron Man Trailer looks freaking wicked, I wanna go see that!