Friday, October 13, 2006
"When you cut off the head, two will rise in it's place."
Well this was from yesterday night at the quote unquote Best Thursday Night Out of the Semester unquote. It was rather eh. However, this odd picture came from it. I have no clue I could smile like that, maybe it's the angle. Totally weirded me out to see that. I look like I should throw my head back and begin laughly then stop then do it again and say something like, "Yes, Haha, yes indeed, hmm, Haha, yes." Also my teeth look oddly sharp well least to me, not sure what you all think. An oddity for surity
ITP-Observation-Phys Comp
Here is the whole group. Left to Right, Klara, Ji Sun, Robert, Emery, and Jack. The core group was Ji Sun, Rob, and myself.
ITP-Observation-Phys Comp
Well this is a picture of the setup for our Observation Project for Physical Computing. Arduino board, bread board, IR distance sensor, and two servo motors. All to make our interactive store display.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Do you remember Tripod?
Oh yeah, and one more thing

One thing I completely forgot to mention from Friday's ride back from MOMA. I was on the L train riding back and this guy started trying to sell me drugs. He was strung out to all hell. He even dropped the price to try and negotiate a deal, it was pretty funny and sad all at the same time. Today was rather nice, I got to go run which was awesome. The weather was great, I felt good, my form was there and so was my turn over. It was short but it was nice. Finished editing and made a DVD for someone special (looking at you Meow). Well, I'm off to bed. Up to bloody late as you can tell. But before I go a lil odd self portrait.