Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The class though I had this morning is like an experimental documentary class. Seems like it will be a rather good class. She showed exerpts of Nanook (hate that film), Man with a Movie Camera (love that film), and Rain (never seen before). When we were discussing we saw at the end of class one person in class was singing praises for Nanook (he'd never seen it before). He thought it was so great, and realisitc, and felt like it could have been made like 10 years ago that it was so contemporary and ahead of it's time. Now me, I've always viewed Nanook as this non-doc doc, because the blasted thing for the most part was totally staged and from a Euro-centric viewpoint. So, I responded to his comment and said that it was constructed and that he clearly says that's what he's doing in the intertitles at the begining, basically I was just shy of saying that Nanook is not a documentary at all. Towards the end of class it was confirmed that, that was in fact the case. I was kinda surprised no one had seen Man with a Movie Camera. So, this week we're posed to go to a screening at MOMA. However, what is being screened I have already seen and well, wasn't very much impressed, Pine Flats by Sarah Lockhart. 150 minutes of 15 10 minutes shots that are mostly static, slightly racial, sexual, and pedophillic. So yeah, that's how things go from New York as of yet. Got class later tonite. Gotta start making dinner so off I go. Lates.
Chévron Con Techron
Getting some Chévron con Techron in Salt Lake City (It's revolutionary jet fuel you know?). Then of course getting stuck on the ground, argh!
Enroute To Have A Chat With a Morman Child...
I'm not sure what of the country this is but it's getting towards Salt Lake City.
Pac Man Crop Circle
So, on monday I flew back to New York. I was supposed to arrive at 9:30 PM. That didn't happen. So, first the plane is delayed by an hour or so. Then over the intercom this worker tells us in a rather defensive and downwardly looking speaking voice to us, that we are going to have to make a "technical" stop in Salt Lake City, aka have a chat with a Morman child liken to Dr. Tran "a man of action." She, went on to explain in unreasonable detail that there was high winds and short runways at Burbank therefore we could not take off with the full load. She went on to explain that we couldn't leave passengers behind (um, ya?), that we couldn't leave luggage behind due to security issues, lastly we would therefore have to leave fuel behind to get off the ground and then we would have to fuel up in Salt Lake so we'd have enough fuel in the advent that we get stuck in bad weather.
So, we depart. This picture was taken somewhere along the way to Salt Lake, I'm glad I looked out the window to see it. Salt Lake City was completely covered in snow, completely white. We landed on the far end of the airport, I could see some Air Force cargo planes, maybe C130's? So, we taxi for like 20 minutes all the while I gotta use the restroom. We finally stop and I stand in line for the can. We got fueled by a Chevron Tanker.
We're about to take off the engines are up to speed and then they start shutting down. I'm like agh, this can't be good. So, then the pilot is like sorry for more bad news JFK has initiated a ground freeze due to rain so we can't take off until it ends which could be up to an hour and a half. So, we sit in the plane for a good half hour or more and then are cleared to take off. Mind you I'm like bloody starving and need foodage. We take off and head to JFK ending our chat with the Morman child.
Oh mind you they decided to give us free movies on the flight due to the fact we were getting totally shafted along with supposedly 25 dollars back, we'll see. However, the movies were crap, I mean come on Bandidas? What the heck is that? They had The Last King of Scotland which I had wanted to see but come on totally not the movie for a plane ride, to heavy for that sorta thing. The last one I have no clue what it was nor do I remember the name. I swear if they had had Gigli on it I would have incited a riot. Cesar had a very interesting question about would it be a riot or considered "Terrorism." (refer to Robot Chicken)
We land at JFK at about 12:30 am, a full 3 hours late. Get my baggage by 1:25 or so, and i'm starved, down some O.J. and some cheese, non of the food places were open. The terminal seemed like a ghost town. Was standing in line for a cab. The limo guys were trying to hustle some fares. They asked me where I was headed and they were like we'll take you I'm like naw I'll wait for a yellow. A few minutes later they come back and are like we'll give it to you for a flat rate which was like the yellow cab flat rate sans-tip. I was like ok, I had to share but who cares. It woulda cost me like 5 bucks or so more with the tip in the yellow. The people I shared with though apparently had a meeting the next morning at 8 AM and one of their luggage didn't end up on the plane so he was gonna have to reuse clothes and had no deodorant nor toothbrush and he was like argh. They were total out of towners, not like i'm a resident or something but they were constantly chattering about oh I think I know where we are, it's right on the tip of my tongue, bs, trying to impress the other. They also kept talking about bloody reality TV so annoying. Anyhow I got home at about 2:30 AM and crashed promptly good thing I had no class the next day.
No Dumb Jacks
Of course all play and no work makes Jack a dumb boy. Me and Audrey getting some work done at her apartment during the break and me showing off my 5 speed wrist support. Gosh I miss driving stick shift. =(
The Death of MacAddict
A sad month for MacAddicts. MacAddict magazine has ceased to exist and has become MacLife. WTF IS THAT? Man, I got my issue in the mail and thumbed through it, total crapola. I'm so saddened. It's like pandering to the idiot consumer. I saw this copy at Fry's that has like a peel away sticker to reveal the new name. What happened to the good ole' days when it was real hard core, when you had an ex-con as editor in chief. Max if you can here me, let's take back the magazine! Viva La Revolucion!
Gender Confused Snowman?
I saw this snowman/woman/question mark right outside the post office. I'm not sure if it's man or woman or a man, either which way it's missing something or rather something was added.
Rewind to New Years Eve
So, rewinding a lil to show you one pic and video clip from New Years Eve. Balloons so much fun.