So, this project due this week, it's taking a look at the real time strategy game Command & Conquer: Generals, primarily the dialogue spoken by the GLA troops. The GLA, Global Liberation Army, is kind of an amalgamation of the Taliban, Al Queda, and some aspects of Somalian rebels. Most of the phrases spoke are particularly stereotypical. With phrases such as "I love a crowd" this unit of course is a suicide bomber. I'm going to be using audio bits such as this to create a conversation with those language tapes, of course it being Arabic. Audrey very instrumental in thinking up the idea of comparing it with language tapes. Never woulda thought of that.
Some things going on in L.A. this week, the LAPD takes responsibility for the May Day Melee, the 405 maybe getting an animal path, so animals can cross the 405, that would raise the cost for bridge to around $1.4 million, and a massive accident on the 5 freeway up in Santa Clarita. It's about time the LAPD owned up but I want to see people getting punished and losing jobs or demotions and such, restructuring and retraining of the department, however will it happen or will it be effective, prolly not. This 405 animal path is a crock, seriously ok, you build this concrete path and expect animals to use it like a bridge, sure. Not to mention there's cars whizzing by and even though they may not be able to see them they will be able to hear them. If they build it will they come and play pedestrian? Lastly, this wreck on the 5, man really bad. I wonder if it was structurally damaged and is safe. All those interchanges there get real hairy and with rain a disaster waiting to happen.
In other news Al Gore as we know got the nobel peace prize, however his film can't be shown in UK schools without proper disclaimer about its inaccuracies or unfounded assertions as reporter by the wonderful Register.
Now for some randomness before I leave. V8 shopping cart OH YEAH!!!

It's a Mopar V8 mind you.
Gotta love mister Stephen A. "Kitty Face" Smith.

And nothing quite hits the spot like some curry. Uncle Ben's Original Curry of course. What a carpet bagger.