Well vacation is almost over now and I have spent about 2 and a half or almost 3 weeks sick, it sucked. Being home was a lot of fun, and I needed it. Got to hang with all my friends and stuff and wander around the neighborhood. Saw the Murakami show, I have experienced the "superflat" that is Murakami and his Corporation of art. Ran into this while at the mall while shopping in the heat of the Christmas 11th hour madness that seemed oddly non-existent.

This is from the newly remodeled formerly Max Foods now an Albertson's.

It's weird a lot of things changed when I was back home, a local news reporter died, another news reporter split from the only station I ever knew him on to of all places Fox. Stores were erected and houses as well. Things remodeled and updated. Things appearing out of nowhere.
My mom got some new rubber on her car, so I had a little bit of fun while driving her car when I was back home. I realized one of the biggest differences between NY and LA driving. Throttle. You never put it anywhere near the floor in NY. Gosh I miss mashing that pedal to the floor. Especially during the delivery dash of Christmas cards.
Speaking of driving though, Colin McRae Rally for Mac finally came out, may he rest in peace. Awesome game, totally addicted and one of the reasons why I haven't posted during this vacation besides WoW. It's made me contemplate getting a racing wheel and pedals, they got this nice one from Logitech with paddle shifting, MOMO. Here's some mayhem from the game.

Flying through the air in a Lancia Delta.

Heavily damaged Ford Cosworth.

Flying Subie sans hood.

And Rolling the Subie.

One last jump.

and of course a Rick Roll siting.
It's actually funny Rick Rolling or rather the concept behind rick rolling ended up coming towards the end of the semester which was awesome. Speaking of awesome, a couple of things, first seeing the Lawerence Weiner exhibit at the Whitney during Thanksgiving which was really good and tasty I have to dig up a picture of the Turkey, it came out so damn tender, juicy. The continuing series of Nikkatsu Action Cinema, also super awesome. As well as this new cuban place me and Audrey tried out, the meat was soo good. Oh and danish.
and mariachis
And with that I will end this post for today, more to come hopefully soon.