Friday, November 03, 2006
Splinter King...
Ok so I slept in this morning. Reading some tech news and stuff and what do I see. Burger King Xbox 360 games just released. I'm like what? I have to see this. So I see it and I'm like agh. Ok the racing one is whatever, glad they put in the Subservient Chicken but not anything to trade in your breadbox for. However, Sneak King, now that is some creepy freaky stuff. If the King weren't creepy enough now you get to play him running around and sneaking up on people. It feels so wrong. Matt pointed out why is he all moving around like all Splinter Cell, Solid Snake and stuff? He's waiting though for the sequel when they'll put in nightvision and shadows and stuff. So bizzare, I just had to post about it.
Happy (Belated) Halloween...I'm Burnt, Real Krispy Like, 12 Spices
Well I'm back. Finally. My midterm for Physical Computing is done. That project has just sucked me dry. However, in the end it came out rather good. The final prototype was an interactive wearable. Since it was due around Halloween it was aptly themed. It consisted of a vest mounted LED grid that made the shape of a ghost (very Pac Man-esque). The microprocessor (arduino board), breadboard, and battery were also mounted on the vest. Gloves with conductive fabric that had strips for power, common ground, and input. There were also upper arm mounted LEDs as well. Then there was a an external garment, kind of a cross between a poncho and a sheet or shirt that was worn over to diffuse the LEDs a bit and to also hide all the internal components on the vest. We took it out for a test run on Halloween to the NYC Halloween Parade. It was really bizarre making repairs in the street, especially when it involves pulling out a laptop and plugging a USB cable into your costume. Also, the police, not to thrilled by it, got a lot of second glances especially when we had to lift the covers up. It's just a wee bit suspicious, you know, vest mount, lights, a bunch of wires, microchips and the like, looks a lot like something else. Coulda become an issue of National Security, haha. Three hard weeks on that project and it has thoroughly sapped me. But it's done, and it came out well, and the presentation went well which was today. Very happy and relieved. Oh yeah and don't ever solder 168 LED's, in one day, AGH!
You can check out the site for the project as well there's some video up there and stuff and more pics. Project Ghost
In other news. I also completed my first real project using live video processing, using C. I changed RGB into CMYK. A play between the ideas and conventions of the two color spaces and the content that is particularly associated with them. I would like to continue with the idea, I really like it. I don't have any pictures or documentation of it yet though, hopefully soon.
I handed in an animated short for my Applications class, based off of that M5 bust trip I took awhile back. I kinda like it. It's silent right now, not sure if i'll leave it that way or not.
I'm planning to continue working on making graphical/visual representations with data from the war in Iraq, for my programming class. The midterm is due monday but it's more liken to a regular assignment which is nice.
Oh I got a vacuum cleaner! A lil red dirt devil, it's got a lot of oomph. Quite nice and decently priced. I need to get a small point and shoot digital camera for documentation purposes, because I can't really lug my SLR everywhere sadly. I need to start looking for something decent and cheap.
Audrey is coming out to see me this coming week which is going to be so nice and great. I'm really happy about that. My G5 tower is acting up a freakin-gain and I'm pissed. I told them to replace the damn processors! Another thing I'm furious about, my bloody car got towed. Freakin' ridiculous I'm pissed and just hope I can get it back, I'm really sad about that, discouraged, and angry about it all.
What's up with all the (RED) all of a sudden? It's everywhere now. However, I'm totally down with the (RED) iPod Nano, freakin' sweet color, it's very tempting but I don't have the money and I'd rather get a Gameboy DS Lite. Hey the Gameboy I could even use for school, so it could be justifiable. Oh yeah also some other random pictures I had forgotten to post from Chicago and New York.
You can check out the site for the project as well there's some video up there and stuff and more pics. Project Ghost
In other news. I also completed my first real project using live video processing, using C. I changed RGB into CMYK. A play between the ideas and conventions of the two color spaces and the content that is particularly associated with them. I would like to continue with the idea, I really like it. I don't have any pictures or documentation of it yet though, hopefully soon.
I handed in an animated short for my Applications class, based off of that M5 bust trip I took awhile back. I kinda like it. It's silent right now, not sure if i'll leave it that way or not.
I'm planning to continue working on making graphical/visual representations with data from the war in Iraq, for my programming class. The midterm is due monday but it's more liken to a regular assignment which is nice.
Oh I got a vacuum cleaner! A lil red dirt devil, it's got a lot of oomph. Quite nice and decently priced. I need to get a small point and shoot digital camera for documentation purposes, because I can't really lug my SLR everywhere sadly. I need to start looking for something decent and cheap.
Audrey is coming out to see me this coming week which is going to be so nice and great. I'm really happy about that. My G5 tower is acting up a freakin-gain and I'm pissed. I told them to replace the damn processors! Another thing I'm furious about, my bloody car got towed. Freakin' ridiculous I'm pissed and just hope I can get it back, I'm really sad about that, discouraged, and angry about it all.
What's up with all the (RED) all of a sudden? It's everywhere now. However, I'm totally down with the (RED) iPod Nano, freakin' sweet color, it's very tempting but I don't have the money and I'd rather get a Gameboy DS Lite. Hey the Gameboy I could even use for school, so it could be justifiable. Oh yeah also some other random pictures I had forgotten to post from Chicago and New York.
Me working at the sweatshop. To the tune of Guns N' Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle." Real sewing music alright.
Project Ghost 2nd Prototype
Project Ghost 2nd prototype. Very not so grand. A pain and a half to code though.
One of two mens lavoratories at 721, 4th floor, I.T.P. That's right they store the water for the water cooler in there. Sometimes I just take a whizz on em, see how they like that yellow tinted water. (j/kin')
Yes, I have poor poor politically incorrect taste. This is at the LEGO store in Chicago, and yes Kyle was the one who caused 9/11.
Seriously man, poor stick man. Apparently you don't mess around with automatic gates in Chicago.
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