Monday, November 05, 2007
The Cars is Gone!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Burnt Out Cars and Thangs
So, one might ask, what the bloody hell happened? One could probably come to the conclusion that something had definitely happen that was possibly just a hair outside of the land of legality, I mean, abandoned burnt out car with no plates, hmmm, seems a bit fishy. Are the police investigating it? Has it been towed? Why no, it's still sitting out there right now exactly where it was found. Of course now it's sporting a nice neon orange sticker from the Department of Sanitation, saying it's a derelict vehicle and is to be disposed of.
However, when that is going to occur is quite unknown at this point since it's been sitting there for now two days and will likely sit there over the weekend and into monday. Who knows? There's a bus stop right there and I could see how the bus driver may be upset since hey can't pull up to the curb as normal. I wonder if the various drivers have already complained about it slowing down their routes and just generally cramping their style. "I got business to attend to." So, what is going to happen to this car and what happened to it originally to put it into such a state? I'm rather invested in it now. I wonder if it will just become a fixture of the intersection, like a neighbors dog or the corner liquor store. I might miss it when it's gone.
Anyhows on an odd tangential coincidence, I've just begun reading the book "Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb" by Mike Davis. I've barely started into it but it has been rather interesting thus far. It's just odd the day I got the book was the day that car showed up. Coincidence or divine intervention???
School has slowed just a hair this week thank goodness. It's been pretty mad and has left me quite ragged. Class continues as do the projects. Oh and I just recently acquired an iPod Touch for a project. It's really quite nice. Hacked it and now it can be my portable wifi stumbler aka spotter for networks and also portable packet sniffer. It also lets me play my NES and SNES games, minesweeper and it can even dice a tomato. Now I'm just waiting for them to bloody get cases for them to stores, gosh dang it. Very annoying. However, it has proved itself to be a quite formidible asset thus for in doing the work of the NNW and just reducing the weight on my back. Oh and the controls work pretty well. I need to start thinking about a paper I need to start researching and writing. It should be fun but how to enter the subject and what to cover is the question and how to cover and research something that isn't really something academic and such. What is this subject. Drift Racing, in regards to globalization, soft power, and hybridization. So, if you got mags, videos, interviews and the like send them my way I'm gonna need them. That's all for now I think I'm gonna play some games.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
D.D.A.T.W.C.U.N. on Pagina 164 of T.I.A.F. 2007 Catalog
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
60lb Paper Weight
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Stephen A. "Kitty Face" and Uncle Ben's Original Curry, Sounds Tasty
So, this project due this week, it's taking a look at the real time strategy game Command & Conquer: Generals, primarily the dialogue spoken by the GLA troops. The GLA, Global Liberation Army, is kind of an amalgamation of the Taliban, Al Queda, and some aspects of Somalian rebels. Most of the phrases spoke are particularly stereotypical. With phrases such as "I love a crowd" this unit of course is a suicide bomber. I'm going to be using audio bits such as this to create a conversation with those language tapes, of course it being Arabic. Audrey very instrumental in thinking up the idea of comparing it with language tapes. Never woulda thought of that.
Some things going on in L.A. this week, the LAPD takes responsibility for the May Day Melee, the 405 maybe getting an animal path, so animals can cross the 405, that would raise the cost for bridge to around $1.4 million, and a massive accident on the 5 freeway up in Santa Clarita. It's about time the LAPD owned up but I want to see people getting punished and losing jobs or demotions and such, restructuring and retraining of the department, however will it happen or will it be effective, prolly not. This 405 animal path is a crock, seriously ok, you build this concrete path and expect animals to use it like a bridge, sure. Not to mention there's cars whizzing by and even though they may not be able to see them they will be able to hear them. If they build it will they come and play pedestrian? Lastly, this wreck on the 5, man really bad. I wonder if it was structurally damaged and is safe. All those interchanges there get real hairy and with rain a disaster waiting to happen.
In other news Al Gore as we know got the nobel peace prize, however his film can't be shown in UK schools without proper disclaimer about its inaccuracies or unfounded assertions as reporter by the wonderful Register.
Now for some randomness before I leave. V8 shopping cart OH YEAH!!!

It's a Mopar V8 mind you.
Gotta love mister Stephen A. "Kitty Face" Smith.

And nothing quite hits the spot like some curry. Uncle Ben's Original Curry of course. What a carpet bagger.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
RC Jumps Garage! Hoonage!
I can't even began to say why this is so awesome. I mean really it jumped the freakin' garage and not just barely made it or almost didn't. It jumped that thing with authority and it didn't die. Hoonage!
Monday, October 08, 2007
The Law Giver
Toyota you've just made my day. "Oh what a feeling."
Monday, October 01, 2007
So Much Contact
Rain Heroes from Bzzz on Vimeo.
There's so much contact here between Massa and Raikkonen that it's a wonder that they didn't crash. Bloody hell in the rain on top of that. Insanity.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Nikkatsu, Barricade, and Mas School

So, the first in this series was "A Colt is My Passport." It was awesome, it had the lead actor from "Branded to Kill" as well as it is directed by the same director, Seijun Suzuki. There is a lot of reflexivity in the film upon its own events. Like there is one scene that has the main character trying to figure out what weapon to use in a confrontation, then we see the opposition pondering what weapon he might use, that is then being watched by the main character by some binoculars. Oh, and don't forget awesome timing with music cues that are trumpet heavy, so heavy and melo-dramatic at times that you half expect a trumpet player to come marching in the room. Also, the end awesome, some McGuyver stuff goes down and the main character essentially sticks a time bomb on the bottom of a car as it is attempting to run him down, which then explodes.
They had a reception after the film, the food was so good, we didn't have to get any dinner. Two words, beef rolls. They were so good. Oh and guess what, they got student rates as well, oh yah!
In other news I got books in the mail and my so-called gift to myself for my b-day, the Deluxe Transformers Barricade. That thing was nigh on impossible to find. I never saw it in a store, Amazon is trying to sell this 10 dollar toy for 60 bucks. Insane hey? Ya, I was able to get it much cheaper which was good, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten it. It's really nice and looks wicked as you can see.

School has been marching on and with it so has my life and my time, oi. I've been forced to cut back my hours at Tekserve, two days a week now, we'll see how that works out. The globalization/hybridization class continues to get better and more interesting along with fun digressions like the movie Red Dawn, GO WOLVERINES SAVE OUR MCDONALDS FROM THE COMMIES! Last week in Media Change I presented on a chapter from Flusser about looking at the camera as an apparatus, made me think about Web 2.0 and issues of power, who really has it, (hint it's not the users). That assertion heated up the discussion, and lately I've become the real Web 2.0 basher. It's become my deal almost that and issues of power, the real and post-modernity all of which came up within the mapping class. I feel with that class, it could be a lot more interesting or could become it if people wanted to engage more thoroughly the issue of power in relation to the practice of mapping or its inherent presence. Oh well, I get my presentation in two weeks on the manipulative aspects of mapping, exactly what I'm interested and doing. That brings me to the NNW, I have now integrated the FBI's to wanted terrorists and domestic terrorists into the word list. There's so many aliases for everyone, it's insane, not to mention what people are wanted for.
Anyways I need to get up tomorrow to go to work, oi. So, laters.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Car Sounds & 50 Years with the M16
The News Hour on monday did an interview with Jim Sullivan one of the original people working on developing the M16. It brought up the concern and question about certain priorities of the U.S.' military procurement process. The M16 of course is a rather old gun, since it began development in 1957. The issue is that the U.S. has not moved forward with technology at all in regards to the rifles issued to troops on the ground, whereas those who they are combating have rifles that are much more contemporary and functional. Functional in the terms of the operation of the weapon, with the M16 still apparently suffering from problems with jamming and the like even under light circumstances versus the rugged and nearly indestructible Kalashnikov. Back when the M16 was adopted the military fought it in every way possible and was later investigated to be almost criminally negligent to be equipping soldiers with older rifles. I wonder if this may deemed the case with the current state of the M16 in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, food rations have improved tremendously apparently.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Colin & Other News
It's been a very rapid ascent this fall semester. right off the bat during the first week and continuing on I've had on minimum 150-200 pages of reading. Now this ain't your light reading it's all freakin' dense as hell. A lot of modernity, postmodernity, globalization, hybridity, economics, cultural relations, and the list goes on. I had two presentations this week and a paper due on top of that so I'm pretty spent. The paper and conjoining presentation was rather interesting material. It was a response to chapter by Flusser on the camera as an apparatus. Talked a lot about power relationships, medium, the "program" or design, and the entrapment of apparatuses. One of the examples I threw out during my presentation was the fallacy of power afforded by the Web 2.0 phenomina. Some people had some ardent arguements about that. My teacher backed me up on it, but it was definitely interesting discussion. However, all this left me very tired. I do have to say it's all very interesting reading and I enjoy it even if it's utterly draining sometimes. I find it will probably come in handy during thesis time this coming semester.
I am still coveting the blasted iPod Touch, but seriously, I need to know if it can be jailbaited before I buy one. I'm telling myself I want it for the N.N.W., but another part is I just want it. Really it's just trying to justify the means. Oi! Maybe I should take up a collection for "The Buy Emery an iPod Touch Foundation." I've also begun to eye the Logitech Revolution MX mouse, it feels so good, nice and heavy, and really nice ergonomic fit in the hand. It's got a place for your thumb. It feels real nice. I have to see if I will need it for the amount of time I'll be on the comp. We'll see. That one is a lot more in reach than the Touch.
On the 14th, "Death, Destruction, and the Weather Coming Up Next" screened in Milan, Italy at the Milano Film Festival. It was part of the "Different American Cinema" program. I'm still really shocked that it made it there. Sometime in this week or next week it will be getting shown in Taipei, Taiwan, at the Taiwanese International Animation Festival. I guess it has a hint at having legs.
Anyways I got more reading to do, so I'm gonna head back to that. but before I go here's a few little random tidbits. The first from the military industrial complex, of Russia. The other from the G-Train stations. Enjoy.
Amazing jet the Russian SU35.

"Me and Pookie put something special in the 'Special Sauce.'"
Sunday, September 09, 2007
The Alamo
Speaking of work though, we got the iPod "Fattie" in today. You know it looks better in person, and it feels nice, but it's thin as heck just super stout. The screen is pretty nice a bright. But, damn Apple for making me want the iPod Touch. Curses upon them! Seriously I want one almost despite the lack of space, I'd have to to get the 16GB one though.
Oh Friday went to see 3:10 to Yuma, some friends couldn't handle it but me and Audrey loved it. It was really good, I highly recommend it. Charlie Prince, he was awesome, and awesome civil war-esque coat. Go see it, you won't be disappointed, oh and I don't like westerns so don't pull that on me.
Speaking of movies though here's a few more posters with some liberties taken.


And of course our friend Chris Cooper trying to prove his point, just not very well.
Been reading some Jameson, it's not bad. "The Cultural Turn: Postmodernism and Consumer Society." He talks about the Bonaventure Hotel in Downtown L.A. in one part, I'm all like I know where that's at. Not completely through it but it has been interesting thus far. Anyways I gotta head off and get some sleep, got class tomorrow. Oh by the way the Iron Man Trailer looks freaking wicked, I wanna go see that!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Good Ole' 1997

Makes me think of when I was in middle school teaching myself Photoshop, reading MacAddict magazine, going to the computer lab at lunch, wanting to become a graphic designer, web companies, and signing bonuses, hehe. Those where the days. I was dying to have Close Combat the game, I was playing Tie Fighter (one of the best games ever mind you), and Lucas Arts adventure games.
Was talking with Jon and he sent me a link to an old commercial. Oh my gosh they were some of the best. High watermark for Dot Com commercials if there ever were. Here are some.
Ravenous Wolves genius.
"Ohh, so close. Fire."
In a slightly more contemporary twist let's turn our attention to Jamie Foxx. I saw this up in the Nassau Station on the G Line. Nothing sums it up quite like this picture.

I'm sorry so amazingly funny, not to mention this one that gets honorable mention.

It took me forever to remember his name.
School starts again tomorrow. Last year. Rather scary. That's why I'm up writing this post cause I can't sleep, big surprise. I always get like this at the beginning of the semester. Anyways before I head off, let's return to IKEA.

All I gotta say is this. "But life is one big question when your staring at the clock. And the answer's always waiting at the IKEA, 40 ounces to freedom. So I take that walk...A 40oz to freedom is the only chance I have to feel good even though I feel bad. And I know that..."
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I'm 23 Homes...
That's right essay. I'm 23, that means it's back to skoo. Gonna be writing some long essays, essay. Anyhows, yes I turned 23. What did I do? I watch the Yakuza Papers : Proxy Wars, very good series highly recommend it, very gritty documentary feel to it. Played some WoW, made some new pants oh yeah. Met Audrey after work and had some BBQ and went to see Balls of Fury. It was so kitschy but not enough, they didn't push it far enough, makes me sad but I got a free t-shirt. The weird/funny/disgusting thing though was there was a mouse playing with a wad of paper in the back row. It was all jumping around and junk, freaky. I wish I had a video of it. Going to have a b-day party with friends from NY, school, and maybe some from work. Then menu stuffed shells, so tasty. Marketed and prepped today. I enjoy going to the market and doing this sorta thing.
So, any new news? Yes, I don't think I ever mentioned but "Death, Destruction, & The Weather Coming Up Next" is/was going to go to the Taiwanese International Animation Festival in Taipei, this September. It will go on to tour Taiwan after the festival. One of the stops will be Taichung City in October. I have cleaned my desk in preperation for school starting. One of my classes got cancelled it sucks, was looking forward to it. I finished reading the two books that Audrey got me for my birthday, Mao Tse-Tung on Guerrilla Warfare and Instructions for American Servicemen in Iraq During World War II. Both, have some very illuminating information that should have been heeded prior to entering Iraq, they both feel very pertinent currently.
Anyways, I have some random pics that will be coming soon as well as more pictures of the X-Country trip will trickle in and maybe a movie too. Just remember, the revolution will not help fight the gum disease formerly known as Gingervitis with a cool minty menthol flavor, because we all know the revolution has nothing on Listerine and is only cherry flavored.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
SAP : Where Available
Up, Up and away from AC and Vimeo.
I swear hearing spanish commentators just makes everything more exciting. But let's not forget the burnout of flame.
DC on fire! from and Vimeo.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
DDATWCUN Going to Milano Film Festival 2007
"Since this year's edition of the feature film competition includes two US works for the first time, we asked ourselves "What do American films today portray?" and tried to find an answer with the help of the short and feature films that were submitted to the competitions. Considering the high number of works, we decided to carve out some space for a few stories by young directors.
The short films in this section highlight human stories of greatness and more often of misery, family relationships marked by guilt and sorrow, friendships in which the seeds of doubts and rejection are planted. When it comes to the feature films there is something different to say: it would be difficult to describe their contents in a few words. If we should define them in conventional terms, we would use adjectives like "disturbing", "unconventional", "experimental" or "narratively disjointed". In spite of the feeling of spontaneous, personal, poor and instinctive films, a deeper analysis reveals that the works are well studied and depict self-absorbed characters, created by directors focusing on complex and troublesome individuals."
Milano Film Festival 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sutton Street
This is our building. The neighborhood is really nice and quiet. Mostly Polish neighborhood. Five bucks will get you a plate of perogies, bloody awesome.
Here's one part of the Kitchen.
All the appliances are new by the way.
This is aft of the kitchen area.
Part of the hallway obscured by the bathroom door. I swear the bathroom reminds me of closet door, it's like stealth bathroom. Small, but nice.
The air shaft from the smaller of the bedrooms.
Same bedroom.
Here's the connection from one bedroom to the other.
The larger bedroom that looks onto the street.
Got a ceiling fan on the far end of that room.
And of course the decorative fireplace.
To think this was the first and last apartment we looked at. However, of course we had to hit up the IKEA to get some furniture and such for this new place. So, here's the kitchen table.

This pic though was a random site in the IKEA. Someone other than myself apparently has a sense of humor. Hiel!

The kitchen populated and some dinner being cooked up.

Still don't have a couch or anything like that. I've got my desk situated now and I know have access to the interweb as you can tell. It's starting to become more comfortable. However, still unpacking not done yet. But chipping away at it little by little. Anyways, I figure I'd let you all see where I be now. Laters for now.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Next Stop Denver
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Return to Nueve York
I'm so dead tired and I mean dead tired, I've been up for 27 hours now and only had two-three hours the night before. I wanted to post one entry before I try and sleep for a little bit before we are eastward bound. I had to pack up my entire room, I'm not taking it with me but it's all in anticipation of the eventual sale of our house. I'm going to miss the house I grew up in not to mention the room that I've spent about 18 years building. Every little detail had to be deconstructed and boxed. Tagged and bagged. I'm going to miss my neighborhood.
I finally got a new phone to replace the RAZR that's been driving me nuts for the past 9+ months, oi! Moto RIZR this time, good decent features and much better feel to it. Here's a pic.

I had a lot of work to do while I was here on vacation and in many ways it was exhausting. I'm so glad I was here though. Good times where had and good food eaten. Not to mention good company. Thanks all for making it so. Special thanks to those who helped me pack, I woudn't have been able to get it all done if it weren't for you all. Thanks. See you guys hopefully soon, back to the Big Manzana.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Rewind to the 34th Student Academy Awards: Sad & Laughable Save for Live Action Categories

June 9th, was the 34th Student Academy Awards Ceremony. I went despite the fact that I was not going to receive an award due to the fact that they decided to only award one award in my category that being Alternative, yet i went anyways. I had this super annoying guy sitting next to me and my friend Danny, so overly interested in making connections to the point of disgust. Sid Ganis, or as Danny calls him a Wolf Blitzer look alike, did his little opening speech and introduced the first presenter, Zooey Deschanel. By the end of her time presenting I wanted to put a muzzle on her. She thought she was funny, aka she wasn't funny by a long shot, she sounded like she was drugged up on vicadin or something, and she kept putting out personal commentary on the films. Basically she's an idiot. The second presenter was John Landis, he was awesome, funny, and also made jokes at the Academy's expense. All in all half of the work that won was really good and half was utterly laughable and a complete disgrace to their respective mediums. The winner from my category looked like a Coke commercial or some MTV bubblegum bull shit. The animation category, had some of the worst quality cgi I have ever seen, along with being of some of the most tired and hackneyed tropes in animation. Also, all of them had "morals" of feel goodery. Not to mention one was desecrating Art History, that one was from NYU's undergrad program, if I see them I'll make sure to slap them upside the head for anyone who's seen it and wanted to rip their eyes out. The films that were good were the live action shorts and the live action documentaries. All of them very well concieved for the most part and very well done. Apparently quality control is not a big thing these days for the Academy, well they have reduced the amount of judges fromt he actual academy to three members, so I guess that makes sense along with the overwhelming amount victories for schools on the East Coast (only one West Coast winner, Stanford in documentary, a category they typically win). Anyways, that was wrap up of the Student Academy Awards for 2007.
Oh ya and I apologize for the massive delay in this post. I was just so disgusted with it all I could not write in any way to express my anger until it cooled off for a few months.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Za Autos
Pretty insane. The new Spyker F1 car got airborne in qualifying for the Canadian Grand Prix. I just can't believe he didn't go into the wall after landing, save. Today though during the race, there was a pretty bad or rather horendous crash, Kubica went into the wall and bounced back the other way while barrel rolling. Horrible however he's ok no broken bones.

Today I was driving on the freeway back from Valencia and still had a lot of cars on the road at 9pm, sucked I really have needed to stretch out and actually drive drive. I feel so constrained lately. Miss my old MKI. Maybe sometime after graduation I'll get another one =|.
Been working on my website, finally. It's coming along, I'll post the link once it gets more complete. The Continental is now level 25 and now has a hood, oh yeah. Oh ya and a ring made from 30 human skulls, it's alright but it sounds super bad, haha. Kinda, tired so gonna head off to bed.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Brazillians?
The Call: The N.N.W.

So, apparently one individual living in Colorado has felt "The Call." That is to participate in any way he possibly can in the Neighborhood Network Watch. It's just great to see such upstanding young citizens willing to do their part to help facillitate domestic spying programs within their own communities. Here is what he had to say below.

There you have it, the N.N.W. is gaining loyal members.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Bike Detail in NYC or Idle Hands Makes the Devils Work

So, I didn't know this but apparently in NYC this is how the NYPD rolls in regards to bikes. The Gothamist had an article about a recent police raid operation on the excessive amount of bikes in the 6th Ave between 1st & 2nd areas. You can read the details in the article, the thing that gets me though is the fact that they arrested two people who were asking questions about the seizure. The first person apparently was asking for the badge number of a plain clothes officer and the other was asking about why that first person was being arrested. The pic at the top I think has to sum up quite a bit about what I think is going on here.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
A/S/L & Are You Lying About Your Age?
J: Do you believe in God?
A: Of course I believe in God.
J: Why do you believe in God?
A: The Bible tells us to believe in God.
J: That’s circular reasoning.
A: I’m glad we have that all cleared up.
and my favorite
A: Do you experience love?
J: No. I’m 53 years old.
A: Can you explain how it feels to be 53 years old?
J: How old are you?
A: I am 9 years old.
J: Nine? I don’t believe you : ).
A: : -) I don’t have any reason to deceive you.
J: Yes, you do, you’re a woman.
All I have to say is sounds like some sex predator minor stuff going on between ALICE and Jabberwacky. So, I think this proves the fact that online everyone lies about their age even computers.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Neighborhood Network Watch: Introduction PSA
The first public service announcement from the Neighborhood Network Watch is now up. It discusses the inception, goals, and history of the group. The first results of the New York Chapter are also discussed in this first PSA. Enjoy.
The Face of the N.N.W.

Ah yes the N.N.W., the Neighborhood Network Watch. I figure I'd finally post up some pics and hopefully a video if it finishes compressing. Modeled on our friendly baddy from the Neighborhood Watch signs of yesteryear only with the added wifi connectivity. Aiming to keep our citizens "safe."

Here is the Neighborhood Network Watch's Advisory System. Similar to the Department of Homeland Security's Threat Advisory System, same colors, same beveled rects and drop shadows. The PSA has not finished compressing so I'll post and then prolly revise this post so you all can see the first NNW PSA that discusses mostly the history of the NNW and their role within the community and the fight against terror.
2nd Place for D.D.A.T.W.C.U.N. @ Carless Drive In Video Festival

I finally have reached home and started to look at my mail. I was informed that "Death, Destruction, & the Weather Coming Up Next" won 2nd place in the Abstract category at the 4th Annual Carless Drive In Video Festival. Unfortunately I was unable to attend and I have no clue why i was grouped into that category or why I was put down as being from NYU when making the film (I was at CalArts at the time). Oh well, second place is second place. I should hear from the Academy this week, so fingers crossed.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I'm Back...
My first year of grad school is done and it has been good overall. A lot of work but then I've also produced a lot of work and learned a lot of things. I kind of judge time by school years and not by years. So, this year has been good, actually pretty darn good. My film from last year has been getting screened here and there and is nominated for a Student Academy Award which is totally crazy. I have some largish projects I am verry interested in working on. I've had a chance to do a lot of reading. Been able to take a more active role in politics and talk more about it. Rather happy.
First to get a bit of biz out of the way. If you want to come to the Student Academy Awards Award Ceremony, you can request tickets, they're free but you do have to request them. It's only snail mail as well, no online ordering. The award ceremony is June 9th. You can find out more information at To RSVP for tickets you can print out the form from Oscars RSVP Tickets.
I never got a chance to post pictures from the Philadelphia Film Festival. So, here's two pics of me outside of the International House where it screened.
Here's a pic from the making of "I Will Make More Bolts of Linen." It's the final two pages of writing that I did to make it.
Here comes another pic but wait for it, here's some explanation. So, when I was doing some voice over for the Network Neighborhood Watch PSA which I will post hopefully soon, I had to check out a mic. Not a bad mic, a Røde. However, they forgot to give me the shockmount for it. This is the sort of mic you definitely cannot hold in your hand so I was like crap. I decided to bust a McGuyver and make one out of a Pringles can and some painters tape. Worker perfectly. Here it is.
And of course for something completely different.
This blog entry was posted on location with the men and women of postal enforcement.