Friday, October 13, 2006

"When you cut off the head, two will rise in it's place."

Well that has indeed occoured. One group ends and two begin. A prototype for one class with that group is due this week. I have a presentation on tuesday for the other in response to our rather good/interesting speaker Ethan Zuckerman. The latter group has had group politik from the get go and the climate has cooled after I did damage control and spin. I have become that aisle that people supposedly reach across, haha. Anyways, things have thawed a bit and have begun to move forward but a deadlock was hit. So we shall see where things go from there. In other news, as you may have heard a plane ran crashed into a building out here in Manhatten. When I found out it was via text message simply saying a plane ran into a building in NY. My first response was agh, not again. I was at school at this time I quickly got onto the internet scouring for news of it and details. The BBC oddly was the first with a story up, then NY Times then CNN. Until finding out it was a owned by a Yankee pitcher I was a bit tense I must admit, even thought it was a small plane. It's just one of those things. It's sad that my first human response about that news was like oh whew it wasn't terrorism and just a regular plane crash. On another note I finally got you some pics from that last project up. Basically it's an interactive store display with things that pop out and move at specific distances. In this mockup we have a halloween themed store front. It ended up working quite well and looking quite nice, especially with the background done in Flash. The weather it is a changing. It was pouring two days ago and today was coldish. I'm glad I recieved my heavier jackets from home (Danke Mom). Anyways, I think that's about it for now. Time to do some more homework and research.

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