Friday, January 05, 2007

New Years Eve, Post 2006, & The Six Million Pound Cat!

IMG_0296.JPG, originally uploaded by lt_zanders.

Well 2006 is now gone. It was actually a pretty good year for me looking back on it. I spent New Years Eve with Audrey. We went to go see Cat Power, Gnarls Barkley, & The Flaming Lips at the Galatin Center at USC. The concert was pretty awesome and we had really nice seats. Center and like 6th row but we ended up going down to like the 3rd row because of these obnoxious guys sitting behind. Good thing the people who had those seats never showed up. Cat Power was great. Gnarls' entrance was really cool, 2001: Space Oddessy style all in space suits, which was pretty awesome. They did a partial cover of "Major Tom" from David Bowie, that was awesome, I wished they had done the whole song. Now calling the string section "Asa" instead of the G-Strings was hillarious, however he had to add the stipulation of "No not you" in reference to the one guy member of the string section. Overall though it was odd Gnarls kind of fell flat on the crowd oh and i wanted to personally choke the life out of whoever made the visuals for them. The mix was very amorphous.

Speaking of the mix, Me and Audrey ended up naming one of the sound guys, "Cookie." Why? Cause during the whole course of the concert he was eating chocolate chip cookies. He also was very expressive about things not going right when they went wrong, lots of hand gestures and stuff, very funny. One of the funniest was when the people handeling the lights turned them off like the next band was gonna come on when they hadn't even finished setting up the stage. Hands went up and he turned around and head shaking ensued from Cookie.

The Flaming Lips were awesome. Their entrance and exit was like a UFO landing and taking off. They played a lot of old stuff. Highlights were the cover/karaoke-sing-along of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" that was being intercut with a nude sunbather, BBQ cooking, and applying wasabi as if it were sun screen. Awesome. At midnight they let loose all these like giant balloons, it was so fun hitting those things around. Me and Audrey attempted to beam Cookie with one but we failed.

Anyhows, Totoro here is one thing that has definitely changed since last year. He's large, like super large, like 15lb plus large. He's not even like 2 years old. New Years resolution for him and me is to do more cardio, haha. I have no clue as far as New Years resolutions I'd really want to actually resolve to do, we'll see. Well hope you all had a good New Years, hey. Here's to 07'.

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