Thursday, April 05, 2007

About Bloody Time...

Hello peoples out there! I'm back, finally. It's been forever. I've been so insanely busy. I got back after vacation, got sick, which lingered up until this past weekend. I began training for a position at TekServe, which I got. Final project proposals had to get written up, along with one midterm had to get finished. So, I now have a moment to breathe and update a lil. I have pictures I still need to post and such, that will come later, possibly not this week mind you though.

So, what am I bloody doing for final projects? Well, I'm doing work regarding the hoods from the March 17th anti-war march, mostly anaylsis of the event. I am writing a program that will be used to manufacture a quasi factual "terror index" and "terror related data" percentage by capturing network traffic and then annaylzing the packets contents against my own list of keywords, in order to generate profiles of wireless networks. It's going to be under the guise of an extension of Homeland Security, known as the Neighborhood Network Watch, a play off of Neighborhood watch groups. I will also hopefully be creating a machinama short within WoW for another class that tosses in John Baldessari, as a character as well as references to his work. It will mainly explore the conceptual/post modernistic aspects of game play especially MMORPGs.

I guess, that is all for now since I need to get to sleep. But I will return soon!

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